Consent cannot be purchased.
There are a growing number of people in the world who believe the sex industry should be legitimized as a field of work as harmless and as gainful as the field of construction, accounting, finances, or art production. A growing number of people are groomers and sexual predators who should face the wall.
If the sex industry is such a legitimate job, then that means there is no problem with a child saying "I want to be a whore when I grow up." If the sex industry is such a legitimate job, then that means there is no problem with sucking your father's dick for $50 or your father watching you suck someone else's dick. If the sex industry is such a legitimate job, a woman who just lost her job should consider being sodomized on camera before she even bothers to apply for benefits.
But actually, now that OnlyFans has become so normalized, schoolgirls are led to consider it. Young girls are even told that it is an option by counselors and inclusive safespace moderators online. It is presented as some empowering, daring thing that will give them financial independence. But in reality it is sexual sex slavery and the ultimate commodification of your own body, your very own personal boundaries, robbing you of the capability to consent.
That's how the sex slave industry and its supporters groom minors.
It is basically "17 year old girl gets gangbanged the picosecond she turns 18" videos or "countdowns until teenage girl turns 18" but even more pedophilic.
People who promote "sex work is real work" are groomers. People who promote "sex work is real work" are groomers, pedophiles, and sexual predators. There is nothing empowering about being victimized by the sex slave industry. There is nothing more disenfranchising than the normalization of the sex slave industry.
If you are a regular watcher of PornHub or similar sites, you have without a doubt seen footage of women being raped on camera and women who were trafficked and pimped out. If you are a fan of younger pornstars then you have also certainly seen child porn.
If you are an anti-capitalist, then being pro-sex slave industry is the ultimate hypocrisy for you. Leftist males who squawk "sex work is real work" are pissing on their own political beliefs because the exploitation of women makes their peepees hard. These are the type of people who would gladly throw millions of homeless people into a meat grinder in exchange for a million dollars.
It is now an unfortunately regular occurrence for a woman struggling financially to get told "Just make an OnlyFans, it'll be easy money." Either as a rape joke, or (if you are a sexual predator) unironically and sincerely. If you are the type to say that to someone struggling with money, you are straight up telling someone to become a prostitute. But since it is still considered horrible and disgusting to say "Just become a whore, it'll be easy money" to a woman struggling financially, you don't. Or at least, not yet.
If someone is struggling financially, and you tell them "Make an OnlyFans, it's easy easy money" then you are a groomer and sexual predator. Go face the wall.
Also something like 60% of OF camgirls make less than $300 a month. Videos of anal prolapses are not the goldrush you think it is. Pictures are leaked very often, and consoomers of porn, constantly desensitized to whatever they are jerking their dysfunctional dicks to, always seek out more and more extreme content. Someone who starts out "just sharing pictures of their body" will inevitably have to slide down the path of gangbangs in order to keep an audience.
The few women who have achieved financial independence from their time in the sex slave industry are so few and far in between that it would be a net benefit to the world if they just never entered. Then they would not be used to spread the myth of "the rich hooker", a myth that dooms millions to sexual trauma. On top of that, most of the few women who "struck it rich" in the sex slave industry resent it and attempt to distance themselves from it. Even they don't believe the cost to their ability to have any sort of privacy or personal boundaries was worth it.
The sex slave industry never has, never is, and never will be a safe, regulated job. The sex slave industry contributes to human trafficking. I say again: If you are a regular watcher of PornHub or similar sites, you have without a doubt seen footage of women being raped on camera and women who were trafficked and pimped out. If you are a fan of younger pornstars then you have also certainly seen child porn. Sex slave industry advocates hate age verification.
The porn industry grooms kids. The porn industry, while it cannot directly show minors their content, lobby for such flimsy regulations that they practically invite them to look. Creating customers who later in life can't get hard without looking at pictures of rectums, and who forever sees women and girls as property, sexual prey, something that he must domestically abuse in order to maintain an erection. And on the flipside, creating products who think males will be satisfied with paying for "just pics of tits and ass and feet".
From ages as young as 8.
The porn industry warps peoples notions of what healthy, consensual sex and boundaries are. Just 20 years ago from 2024, choking and anal were hugely unpopular, correctly judged as disgusting and dangerous. That only a dangerous, disgusting person would want any of that. Until porn normalized all that. Now males demand it, at the expense of all women and girls in the world.
Tolerance of the sex slave industry brainwashes males and women into believing that women and girls must always be sexually available to everything no matter how painful and degrading, otherwise they are labelled as repressed prudes living in an archaic Christian patriarchy. The acceptance of the sex slave industry is not liberating nor empowering to women and girls. It is merely a transition from one woman-hating model to another. The conservative misogynist expects a woman to be the private property of her male relatives and husband. The liberal misogynist expects a woman to be the public property of all males.
Full legalization and regulation of prostitution? The porn industry is legal and it is a pit of rape and drug abuse. Even in developed countries where prostitution is "fully legal and regulated", many of the women who are prostituted in brothels are trafficked from poorer countries and cannot speak the country's language.
Prostitution and pornography cannot be OSHA compliant. Any part of the body that produces mucous cannot come into contact with a person as part of the job, the only exception being the medical field. And "man wants to pay money to rape people" is not an urgent enough case to warrant an exception.
Consent cannot be bought. Not by force, not by coercion, not by financial necessity. People who buy prostitutes are rapists.
Do you want your OSHA-compliant, safe and regulated "sex work"? Then welcome your gloved handjobs administered by a person you didn't choose, to whom you cannot talk dirty to and whom cannot talk dirty to you in order to avoid sexual harassment cases.