Coping on the job
[Satanic fashion angel]
Divine servant of heaven who kills demons, loots their artifacts as trophies, and wears them mockingly
black lingerie version here
Needed a new avatar for my twitter porno account so I drew this
Character on the left with the hat is Victor. Character on the right is Nemesis, who already has a profile
Rotting angel of the imminently doomed. He is a friend of January. He starts out as a saint, a human who devotes their second chance at life to a noble cause, but also attains angelhood through trials of selflessness and altruism.
Either way, the sight of his rotting and disfigured form causes many people to vomit.
He was first created as a fantroll. He was and still is a lecherous SoB.
Version without sunglasses here
Fantroll. indigoblood who loves tanks
[Sniper femboy]
Sniper femboy again
[Sniper femboy]
Special ability
Secondhand clothing
Chives at work
links again, for looks