The anus is the organ which controls the continence of fecal matter, and fetishization of the anus is the clearest sign of degeneracy, selfishness, and entitlement. Anal "sex" is inherently scatological and abusive yet analists (shitdicks) are selfish enough to tell their victims to just suffer because the analists wants to get off on penetrating a shithole that is inherently painful to penetrate.
Analists (shitdicks) pressure and coerce their victims, constantly begging and whining their victims to suffer pain, discomfort, and humiliation, just so the analist can have some pathetic pleasure all to themselves. The victim's health, wellbeing, and safety? Doesn't matter to the analist. The pain, discomfort, and humiliation is what the analist gets off on. Analists tell their victims to ruin their digestive systems, analists tell their victims to suffer pain, analists tell their victims to starve themselves just so that they don't get shit on the sheets when they try to fuck an organ that has the sole purpose of holding and expelling shit. Analists are utterly selfish, abusive, and incapable of love.
Analist men (shitdicks) are obsessed with anal because they hate women. They hate women and want to inflict pain and humiliation onto women. They don't care about a woman's health or safety, they only want to torture women. That's why analist men are obsessed with anal. They are all rapists. And since the majority of rapists are repeat offenders, people can be saved from becoming victims if every rapist were shot and killed.
Imagine: You are about to enjoy a delicious meal. Right as you are about to take a bite, some jackass tells you to stop because he demands that you "eat" it by shoving it into your rectum. When you express your offense at this, he tells you to do it anyway just because he says so. When you tell him fuck no, you do not want to waste your favorite food by shoving it up your anus, the jackass says "your anus is part of your digestive system just like your mouth. IDK why you are complaining, it would be basically the same as eating it with your mouth so just shut the fuck up and do it". Many people would probably punch his teeth out right on the spot for being extremely rude, inconsiderate, and retarded.
That it what it is like whenever shitdicks ask for anal.
Analists are entitled. Analists are narcissistic. Analists are abusive. Analists are misogynistic. Analists get off on destroying and demeaning and enslaving women.
Analists are also extremely retarded. They have a cognitive dissonance on their anal obsession. They are obsessed with anal, yet aversive to shit. They love ass-to-mouth (the act of forcing someone to eat their own shit), yet scat disgusts them. Heterosexual analist men love to anally penetrate women, yet are extremely offended by the idea of men being anally penetrated. Peak retardation.
And no, gay male sex is NOT anal. To imply that is extremely homophobic. Gay men are more than fecal fetishism, rape, and abuse.
"You're homophobic. Fecal fetishism is an important part of gay male culture"
It is the opposite: Analists are extremely homophobic for suggesting that gay men should have to poorly copy heterosexual penis-in-vagina intercourse for their sex to be considered "real" sex. Analists are homophobic for suggesting that sex must involve a "pseudo-man role" and a "pseudo-woman role" for sex to be "real" sex. Analists are homophobic for suggesting that male homosexuality should center around sexual abuse and smearing feces all over each other. Should it be considered an important aspect of heterosexuality for men to beat their wives? Should we permit the oppression of women and girls in cultures where every woman is considered the property of a man? Should racial discrimination be permitted when it's "an important aspect of a culture"? It doesn't matter how "common" something is among people. If something is harmful, it is harmful. Normality is not the same as morality but a shocking number of people who proudly label themselves as rebellious queers don't actually live by that principal.
And the only reason why the mentally sick think gay male sex is anal penetration is because it is a hollow copy of heterosexual sex. First off, there are two errors with the assumption that anal penetration is anywhere similar to vaginal sex. The first most glaring error is that the anus is not a vagina. It does not do nor experience the same things a vagina does. They are two completely different organs. Secondly, sex is not about putting things into holes. That is a patriarchal, heterocentric assumption. Sex is about mutual erotic pleasure. To imply that sex is about "putting things into holes" is a male-centered heterocentric view that not only excludes many common forms of sex, but it also excludes many lesbians from sexuality at all.
It also treats sex as something that exists solely for the pleasure of men. The attitude that sex "is about putting things into holes, therefore anal is similar to vaginal" dehumanizes and degrades women into things that exist solely to be exploited by men. "Pussy? Useless. Just use the ass instead." - Quote said by a shitdick who deserves to have their penis sliced off.
The vagina is a component of the female reproductive system and the clitoris is the center of all female sexual pleasure. To equate the anus to a vagina is an insult to all women.
The anus is not a vagina.
The purpose of the anus is to shit yet analists desperately pretend this is not the case. Elsewise analists acknowledge that the anus is for shitting, then malevolently ignore that because the selfish exploitation of another human being is the appeal. Analism destroys dignity and is the ultimate disrespect for the "recipient"s wellbeing. The disrespect is the appeal. Forcing them to smell and eat their own liquid shit is the appeal. The victim isn't even human to them. The victim doesn't matter to them.
Pozzed up world where normal genitals don't even mean anything to people anymore. Dopamine receptors so fried out that they have to resort to fetishizing the fecal shithole of the human body in order to attain arousal.
Analists try to sexualize a scatological organ yet get upset and offended when it farts and shits on the sheets. Anal (fecal) penetration is not sex, it is churning solid fecal matter into liquid diarrhea, which is then shat out as excrement. Ejaculate, too, becomes mere excrement. Anything inserted into the anus is later shat out as excrement. Semen and lubricant dribble out of the anus onto the sheets as liquid excrement, staining them with diarrhea and fecal matter. Dildos and other objects excreted out onto the sheets as solid feces, staining them with shit. They then try to disguise the true nature of the anus with quaint words such as "leakage" and "queef", euphamisms for shitting and farting. A more suitible name for it would be fecal penetration.
Analists are narcissists. They are sick enough to try and fuck an organ whose sole purpose is to hold and excrete feces yet get upset and offended when it shits on the sheets. Pathological entitlement.
The ultimate misogyny. Men who joke about fucking the anus instead of the vagina because they think it would be tighter should all face the wall and be shot. Joking about forgoing the sexual organ that can mutually pleasure both parties in favor of a shit-filled, fecal-bacteria-filled, poop-smelling, dry, thin, shitting and farting organ that causes pain when penetrated. "Just because it is tighter". Not caring that it would be painful and degrading and dangerous to the other party. Analists should kill them selves. Past the sphincter the rectum is actually looser than a vagina, so not only are analists abusive, analists are also clinically retarded. They are not even human.
Sometimes the "tightness" (which is a lie) isn't even the point. The real point is the ultimate disrespect. To treat another human being like trash and psychologically abuse them.
To be upset that an anus shits because it goes against ones hedonistic and degenerative imagination is like being upset when one gets into a car crash or must pay a fine as a result of drunk driving.
It takes immense effort to try to make an anus look clean. Painstaking dieting, starvation, strict scheduling, multiple enemas, manual inspection. Yet even if an anus may look clean to the naked eye, that does not mean it is clean. There are still shit particles in it. Fecal bacteria are inherent to the gastrointestinal system as an important part of bowel health and so to rid the bowels of them creates a risk of causing digestive illness. Bowel fluid. And the action of inserting objects into the anus can itself induce a bowel movement, so an anus that has been "cleaned" out may still shit on the sheets anyway. Trying to clean an anus is the literal definition of trying to polish a turd. It is still a turd.
Nothing about any of that "prep work" is "vanilla." They are extreme lengths taken by analists to fulfill their delusion that the anus does not shit. Compare those convoluted rituals to the typical amount of preparation needed before engaging in oral intercourse, vaginal intercourse, mutual masturbation, frotting, or nearly any other sexual activity one can think of, which are: Barely anything except for protection and maybe a quick wash. No body-destroying rituals required.
As intestinal bacteria are vital to the proper function of the human gastrointestinal tract, to truly "clean" an anus would involve extreme sanitization efforts that would itself cause gastrointestinal damage, incontinence, and disease.
The anus will always smell like feces. It will always have fecal bacteria in it. It is a fecal organ.
No matter how thoroughly one may try to rid the anus of feces and bacteria, that will never change the fact that the anus's sole purpose is to hold and expel feces.
There is no clean or healthy way to perform anal (fecal) "sex". There is no dignity in anal (fecal) "sex". It is not sex at all, it is domestic abuse. Hundreds of thousands of people dead or ill because of it. Hundreds of thousands of gay men dead or ill because they were brainwashed to believe that fecal penetration is considered the height of "sex" between men. But it isn't. There are many forms of m2m sex that are far superior, far healthier, and way hotter than penetrating a fetid bag of feces.
When an object penetrates the rectum, feces and bacteria contaminate the object. That object is presumably removed eventually, contaminated with bacteria and microscopic fecal matter. Even if one cannot see it, feces, rectal fluid, and bacteria are present on the object. And then someone will touch the fecal matter on the object. Before even washing their hands, they will presumably also touch the sheets and pillows. And then touch their own face or partner's face. They have spread feces everywhere and then they sleep in this feces.
Anal "sex" is scatological. Anal "sex" is inherently scatological. Analists might as well be shitting in each other's mouths. WEhenever they do anal (fecal "sex") they are spraying shit all over themselves and their surroundings. Never share food with an analist. There will be shit in their mouths and on their hands.
Analists fetishize an organ whose sole purpose is to hold and expel feces, and rejects intrusion. A source of disease and foul smells. Anyone who likes the smell of an anus loves the smell of poop. To treat a fecal organ as a sexual object is to mock sexuality itself. It is to imply that the body parts that are the very center of sexuality are inferior to the organ that holds and expels feces. Analists are so psychologically damaged that they disregard everything the genitals have to offer, in favor of the feces-laden anus. Then, like a mental plague, they try to recommend their fecal fetishes to other people as if it were as normal and benign as oral sex, instead of the dangerous, extreme, and fecal fetish it is.
All this is even before getting to the topic of the coercive manipulation analists pressure their victims with. Constantly whining and bothering their victims to use the anus as if it is something suitable for penetration, and getting offended whenever their victim says no. Whining and bothering to "try it once." Reading articles and posting on forums on "tips and tricks" on how to abusively pressure their victims into anal (fecal) penetration. Inflicting pain and humiliation and psychological torment on the ones they "love" just to satisfy the cheap dare of fucking an organ that shit comes out of. The behavior of a domestic abuser. Analists through their rapist behavior have shown that they are fundamentally incapable of love. Analists are capable only of exploitation for selfish gain.
What happened to consent and boundaries?
If someone constantly nagged and bothered their partner to try getting repeatedly punched in the face for sexual gratification "just once to see if you like it," most would think this is abusive behavior. Analists are rapists and domestic abusers.
Analists are entitled. Analists are domestic abusers. Analists eat poop.